Strongest Subpages Tool (SSPT)
Verwenden Sie die stärksten Linkquellen für Ihren Linkaufbau.
Finden Sie die stärksten Seiten einer beliebigen Website. Sehen Sie die stärksten Unterseiten und Unterordner einer Domain und finden Sie den besten Platz für Ihren Link.

Find the perfect spot for a guest post
Get the most important SEO metrics for every page
Analyze thousands of pages for a domain
A quick primer on using the Strongest Subpages Tool
Use a unique approach to link building.
SSPT helps you
- Find the best page of a site for your link
- Analyzing your own website
- Finding the best Advertisement Space on a website
Just enter a domain and we’ll show you a ranked list of strongest pages to use for link building.
Unique SEO Technique
This Linkbuilding-Methodeis not available in any other SEO tool.
25+ Link Data Sources
Link Data from 25+ Data Sources combined.
Full and Rich Exports
You get full XLS exports and rich PDF exports, while competitors cripple their data exports at sometimes 10k rows already.
Link Brain
We can assist you with decades of experience in SEO and links. This is not a matter of course with every SEO software provider.
Dynamic Filters
Filter your results by up to 150+ SEO metrics.
No Trash Data
The links that we DO NOT deliver to you matter! We take pride in filtering out as much nonsense data from other sources as possible.
Wie das Strongest Subpages Tool arbeitet

Mehr lernen über Strongest Subpages Tool Bet Big Stakes on Spammy SEO...and Lost
In this article about improving your backlinks, you can see the LJR tool being used for finding links that go to non-existent pages and recovering the juice
In this article about improving your backlinks, you can see the LJR tool being used for finding links that go to non-existent pages and recovering the juice